Event Schedule

Loudoun Photo Club’s usual meeting schedule is the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in the season (September – June). Informal meetings during the summer months are usually held on the 4th Thursday of the summer months (July- August). Meeting location:  Until further notice, Loudoun Photography Club will meet via Zoom.

Please stay tuned to our MeetUp webpage,  our mailing list and our private Facebook group and Meetup app for current information.


Schedule of events for the 2023-24 season
(Zoom links will be sent in an email the day prior to the event.)


September 14

Speaker Night


Topic:Introduction to Night Sky Landscape Photography

Speaker: Jason Nader

September 28



Competition Topic: “What I Did This Summer” 

Image may be of any subject and must have been captured between 1 June 2023 and 31 August 2023.
(Category: Open)

Judge: John Garofalo


October 12

Speaker Night

Doug Mattice Photo

Topic: “15 Things Photographers Can Do to Improve Their Photography Skills”

Speaker: Doug Mattice

October 26


Competition Topic: Image of natural scenery (e.g., mountains, valleys, trees, forests, and rivers) with elements arranged in a coherent composition.

(Category: Landscape)

Judge: Sandi Croan CANCELLED

November 5


Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions Expo

There will be a virtual MAPV event on Sun, 5 Nov with speakers including Simon d’Entremont, Rad Drew, Julianne Kost, and Tim Grey. See their website for competition deadlines and milestones. The first milestone is coming up on Sun, 6 Aug when they open up the image upload section of their site.

November 9

Speaker Night

Marie Jobber

Topic: Sunrise/Sunset Photography

Speaker: Marie Joabar
Drawing on more than 12 years experience as the Corporate Trainer and Education Programs Manager for one of the Washington DC area’s leading camera retailers, Marie Joabar founded Capital Photography Center in January 2012. Marie finds just the right way to take complicated concepts and technology and break the information down into easy-to-understand nuggets to share with others. Whether teaching photography basics or helping one better understand their camera, she works to take away one’s intimidation or sense of overwhelming that often accompanies learning new things so they can begin enjoying the craft and develop their skills. Marie is also very active in the Shenandoah Valley where she teaches photography classes for Shenandoah County and writes the Shared Exposures photography column for “The Mountain Courier.” Her photos can be found in various print and online publications for the Shenandoah County Department of Tourism and have been published in various local magazines and newspapers. She is a member of ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) and VECCA (Valley Educational Center for the Creative Arts). Her work can be seen on her website at www.mariejoabar.com.

November 30 – Popup Speaker

Yellowstone National Park signPop-up Speaker Event: Audrey Gassman will present about her recent trip to Yellowstone National Park. She will share tips on planning a trip to the park and photos from her trip.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4209 6912
Passcode: 607482

Link to recording:


Passcode: nw3UyN7?
Link will expire in two weeks.

December 7

Speaker Night

Topic: Where’s the Beef? It’s in the Composition

David LuriaSpeaker: David Luria
Bio: E. David Luria is a professional architectural photographer and founder of the award-winning Washington PhotoSafari (www.washingtonphotosafari.com ) which is now one of the largest training programs for amateur
photographers in the country.
Since the program began in 1999, David and his 11 fellow instructors have trained over 41,600 amateur
photographers from 50 US states and 72 countries in camera usage for 29 different areas of photography, such as travel, architecture, nighttime, portraits, event, street, nature and wildlife photography and in Lightroom and
Photoshop post-processing techniques.  Training an average of 5 photographers every day, 365 days a year for 24+ years, his 6,400 + small-group safaris have taken place in 186 different locations in 30 cities of 11 states and 8 countries..


Zoom Recording: (expires 2  weeks from Dec. 8th)


Passcode: X8^9Ye*2

December 14



Topic: General Water

Image using water as a main element of a composition. (Category: Water)

The deadline for submitting your photos is December 11th. It is important for you to review the competition rules and requirements for image submissions. All this information can be found under the “Competition Info” tab on the home page of the club’s website: https://loudounphotoclub.com/lpc/?page_id=1344

Judge: Geff Bourke
Bio: Photography has been a passion of mine for over 40 years.I definitely caught the photography bug and my interests branched out from family vacations to nature photography, such as landscapes, birds, and flowers; travel photography with the goal of capturing the culture of my destinations; and urban landscapes… street, people, and decay.   

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81469458508?pwd=b3yBqFK7ME6sc3PODK7Eaa1vjpsbYe.1

Meeting ID: 814 6945 8508
Passcode: 113134

<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

January 11

Topic: How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse

Speaker: Dan Ward

On January 11th we will be having Dan Ward speak on Solar Eclipse photography. As we have an amazing eclipse coming up in 2024, I think everyone will be interested in hearing how to capture this amazing event. A little background on Dan Ward – Over the past 30 years, Dan Ward researched classes, articles, new books and webinars on recent innovations in solar, lunar, and eclipse astro-imaging techniques. This presentation will discuss how to capture images from a lifetime of hard learned lessons.

A semi-retired Chief Workforce Economist, Dan Ward is an avid amateur astronomer and life-long photography enthusiast. One of the first 12 members of the Loudoun Photo Club, he served in several roles on the LPC board, but drifted away when his job relocated to Tysons Corner and DC. Dan regularly teaches classes on Stargazing with Binoculars, Capturing the Night Sky with Smartphones, and Eclipse Photography for the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club (NOVAC) and for the Analemma Society. His 2019 lunar total eclipse photo was adopted by TeleVue Optics to demonstrate the capabilities of their TeleVue 85 Telescope.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 2892 0820
Passcode: 697687
Watch the replay here:

January 25

Peer Critique

Topic: General Wildlife

On January 25th we will be having a peer critique! That’s right, everyone who attends will comment and critique the photos for the topic “Fauna”.
Fauna-Image where the primary subject comprises one or more non-domesticated animals (including birds, but no cows or farm animals).  This is an opportunity to ask questions on composition, editing, and other perspectives about your images – and to offer your opinions on other images. Images are treated anonymously by the facilitator, though you may certainly speak up with any specific questions or desired feedback about your images from the other participants.

This meeting will be virtual only.

Entries may be submitted now through Monday, January 22, 2024 – 11:59 pm ET.

Please visit our Competition Info page for discrete submission links.


Topic: LPC Peer Critique Night – Fauna
Time: Jan 25, 2024 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
You can copy the recording information below and share with others
Passcode: T8Ni#hyv

<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

February 8


Topic: Introduction to Night Sky Landscape Photography

Speaker: Jason Nader

Jason Nader

Jason Nader is a photography enthusiast whose love of photography began early in his life under the red lights of black and white darkrooms. His professional career in technology and photogrammetry deepened his interest in the camera and capturing all aspects life especially night photography, abandoned places and interesting people. Jason attempts to pay for his expensive photography habits by working with Samantha Marshall at Studio 151 Photography supporting classes, meetups, weddings, family and corporate photo sessions. To learn more about Studio 151 Photography and to book a session or class, visit Studio 151.


February 22 Competition

Competition Topic: Symmetry/Patterns

Image illustrating symmetry or patterns as a main element of the composition.(Category: Studio)

Judge: Ellis Rosenberg

Ellis Rosenberg

We are very lucky to have Ellis Rosenberg as our guest judge. Ellis Rosenberg has been an avid photographer for over 40 years. He has previously served for eight years as Chair of the Reston Photographic Society (RPS), and as a board member of The League of Reston Artists. Ellis also continues serving on The Nature Visions Photo Expo (naturevisions.org) as a board member and in other capacities. These positions have provided him with an excellent exposure in the area of judging. He enjoys photography competitions and is a graduate of The Joe Miller Seminar on Judging. Ellis tries to put the knowledge gained from that seminar together with his experience to be a competent judge. For more background: https://nvacc.org/home/ellis-rosenberg/

Links to submit for this competition will be sent in an email to members soon. Please be sure to review the criteria and due dates for submitting your photos on the website.

<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

March 14


Cuban car Cuban street photography

Topic: Travel Photography- Cuba
Cuba, a country frozen in time.  Learn about this amazing place and see why it is a photographer’s paradise!
Speaker: Denise Silva
Denise has been recognized as one of the Top 200 Women Photographers Who Inspire by Nature Photo Guides and has had multiple articles published in Extraordinary Vision (EV) Magazine, and is a featured artist in Breakthrough Photography’s Guide to Night Sky Photography.Her passion is to share her knowledge of photography, while introducing people to the amazing landscapes, wildlife, and people all over the world.For much more about Denise, see her full bio at this link https://roadrunnerphotographytours.com/about/about-denise/

March 28


Competition Topic: Reflections

Image that uses a reflection to create the composition.(Category: Abstract)

Judge: Ross Stansfield

Our March contest topic is “Reflection”. The theme is an image that uses reflection to create the composition. It’s defined as an image that uses reflection to create the composition.


Due to circumstances outside of our control, this competition will be rescheduled for June. In place of this competition we will have a PEER CRITIQUE session (not a competition). You may submit one color and one B&W and submit by the 25th-Open category. Follow the same procedures for submitting as if it were a competition.

To view recording:

<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

April 11
Andrew Sentipal

Topic: Photographing Shenandoah National Park

Speaker: Andrew Sentipal

“I have been photographing since the film days. Shenandoah National Park has been a favorite of mine for decades. I have visited every overlook in the park over the years and enjoy photographing all that the park has to offer from amazing sunrises and sunsets to animals and the night sky. My images have been on the Shenandoah calendar numerous years and I have done work for the National Park Service on their then and now project. I won the 75th anniversary of Shenandoah National Park’s Photography Contest and more recently won Best Wildlife image in the 2023 Mid Atlantic Photo Visions contest. I look forward to presenting for your club in April.”

Time: Apr 11, 2024 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
This is the link to the recording of the presentation from Andrew Sentipal last night. Please feel free to reach out to him directly if you have any questions


Passcode: 3.f@tY1G

Please check out our website for additional information and events
Audrey and the LPC Board

April 25

Competition Topic:  Street Photography

Image featuring an unmediated chance encounter or random incident within a public space.(Category: People)

Judge: Frank Van Riper

Frank Van Riper is an award-winning documentary and fine art photographer,
journalist, author and lecturer whose work has been published internationally.
His photographs are in the permanent collections of the National Portrait
Gallery (Washington, DC) as well as in the Portland Museum of Art (Portland,
His 1998 book of photography and essays, Down East Maine / A World Apart,
was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and won the silver award for photography
from the Art Director’s Club of Metropolitan Washington. He is co-author (with
his wife and professional partner Judith Goodman) of the internationally
bestselling 2008 book Serenissima: Venice in Winter. They have just finished
work on their second Italian collaboration, working-titled The Green Heart of
Italy: Umbria and its Ancient Neighbors. His current book is Recovered
Memory: New York &amp; Paris 1960-1980.
Before beginning his long career as a photographer, Van Riper spent 20 years
as a correspondent and editor in the Washington Bureau of the New York
Daily News, serving as White House correspondent, national political
correspondent and Washington bureau news editor. He later served for 19
years as the photography columnist of the Washington Post.
Van Riper was a 1979 Nieman Fellow at Harvard and holds the 1980
Merriman Smith Memorial Award (with his late colleague Lars-Erik Nelson)
from the White House Correspondents Association.


<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>May 9 Janet JeffersSpeaker Night

Topic: Looking Beyond at the Real – Abstraction in Photography


LPC Speaker Night — Janet Little Jeffers
Time: May 9, 2024 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Abstraction in Photography

Abstraction in its simplest sense means taking subjects out of their context by removing what gives them context. It’s been said with tongue in cheek that if you look at a photo and a voice inside you says, “What is it?”… well, it’s an abstract photograph. But it’s not as simple as it may seem: a compelling abstract engages the viewer because it is not about the object itself, but about graphic qualities like line, texture, color, shape, pattern, and rhythm, and about the more intangible qualities like mood, harmony, and mystery. I like to think of abstraction as a process of transformation or invention — while creating abstraction in a photograph, we are engaging our imagination, in a sense making an altogether new object.

Exploring abstraction is time well spent, even if you don’t consider yourself an abstract photographer. By using some of the principles of abstract photography, you can compose even a representational scene using elements of abstraction more mindfully, and select them to form your chosen emotional message. In this presentation, I share some of my work and talk about the ideas and practices that I employ in found abstractions.

Artist Biography : JANET LITTLE JEFFERS 

Janet Jeffers is a visual artist using photography to explore intimate and abstract details in the natural and built worlds. Her photography process is based on a practice of mindful exploration and discovery. 

Jeffers received her BA from Towson University and MA in Publications Design from University of Baltimore; she worked in the fields of graphic design, interior design, and broadcasting, before committing to a full-time photography career. 

Her work has been featured in solo exhibitions, including the Baltimore World Trade Center, the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower, and the Hoffberger Gallery, as well as numerous group exhibitions including Manor Mill Gallery in Monkton, MD; PhotoPlace Gallery in Burlington, Vermont; Maryland Hall for the Arts; Jo Fleming Contemporary in Annapolis, Maryland; and Y:Art in Baltimore, Maryland. She has been featured in print and online publications, including LenscratchDécor Magazine and UpstArt Magazine. Permanent installations of her work include large-scale site-specific wall and window murals, and are displayed in organizations such as Pharmaceutics International, Inc., University of Maryland Medical Systems, Catholic University, Addison Row in Washington, DC, and The Juniper in Columbia, Maryland. 

In addition, Jeffers is a juror and presenter for numerous photography outlets. She works from a studio in the historic Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower in Baltimore, and lives near Annapolis, Maryland. She is currently represented by Jo Fleming Contemporary in Annapolis.


Replay: Available for two weeks.


Passcode: 8BZkA&?7

<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

May 23

CompetitionSandi Croan

Competition Topic: My Favorite Images From This Season

Image may be of any subject and must have been captured between 1 September 2023 and 15 May 2024.(Category: Open)

Judge: Sandi Croan
Bio: Sandi Croan Bio

You can see a sample of Sandi’s work on http://www.sandicroanphotography.com

When: Thursday, May 23, 2024 – 7:00 pm ET

Category: “Open”
Theme: My Favorite Images From This Season

Description: Image may be of any subject and must have been captured between September 1, 2023 and May 15, 2024

This meeting will be virtual only (Zoom).

Entries may be submitted now through Monday, May 20, 2024 – 11:59 pm ET.

Please visit our Competition Info page for discrete submission links. 


  • This is a digital-only competition.
  • Read the updated rulesbefore submitting!
  • You must be a paid member in order to submit images for competition.
  • Click herefor how to submit images.
  • Click herefor information on metadata.
  • If your photo was a winner in a previous competition this year, please refrain from submitting this image again.

Looking forward to your submissions and the competition session on May 23.

Recording of the Competition session: (good for two weeks)



<a href="https://www.freepnglogos.com/images/line-40962.html">Get it on blue lines png transparent</a>

June 27

Topic: Ross Stansfield LPC Competition Night
Category: Abstract
Theme: Reflection
Description: Image that uses a reflection to create the composition
Time: Jun 27, 2024 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Ross Stansfield

Speaker Bio Ross Stansfield, has in his 35 year career, been a studio stills photographer shooting for clients such as Coca Cola, Marriott, SAIC, American Woodmark, The VA, Regency Furniture, Ted Britt Ford, Vie De France, Odin Technologies and many others. The coffee table book “Alexandria a Pictorial History” was written by Karen Harvey and Ross supervised the acquisition of archival shots and shot the majority of new photos.  Ross has also been involved in motion picture production since 1990, as a Director, Producer, DP, Gaffer, and Editor creating TV spots, commercial films, short films, music videos and a documentary on Raymond Loewy for the O. Winston Link Museum in Roanoke, Va. In 2009 he was the Producer for Allied Media working on TV, Stills and Radio spot for the 2010 Census. Ross was Co-producer and Cinematographer for two films for the 2013 George Mason Idea series shown at the Patriot Center as part of the Inauguration of the new GMU President Angel Cabrera. Working with his video production class at AMP (Academy for Media Production) Ross shot and lit an interview with Jim Pee Wee Martin D-Day paratrooper, who toured the Gettysburg Battlefield and was escorted through the Eisenhower family home by Susan Eisenhower.  Ross just had a stills show of his work at Swain’s Lock at Mackie’s in Old Town Alexandria.

Meeting ID: 869 3072 0865
Passcode: 331329

End of Year

Awards and Fun!

      • *The competition descriptions above are not intended to limit the
      photographer’s creativity and any examples given are in no way all inclusive. It is the judge’s discretion to determine how well the image works for the particular theme.


    • TBD – to be determined
    • N/A – not applcable
    • Topic – Your photo should incorporate this monthly topic for the LPC competition.
    • Category – The broad category that competitions such as MAPV may use for photos being entered.  Disclaimer: Every contest independent of LPC’s contests may differ in their descriptions of categories, so be sure to check each contest’s guidelines carefully before submitting.

Submission Guidelines: Before submitting your images for competition, please be sure to check out these pages: