May 9, 2013 – Speaker Night – Jamie Konarski Davidson – Romance of the Rural Landscape


March 14, 2013
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Location: GWU Ashburn Campus, Exploration Hall, Rm 101

Jamie Konarski Davidson will be traveling up from North Carolina to be with us on May 9 at our next Speaker Meeting. Please mark your calendars as you will not want to miss Jamie’s program about the rural landscape!
Romance of the Rural Landscape. Life has changed over the years, and so has the landscape. As an outdoor and
nature photographer, Jamie Konarski Davidson sees the land through eyes that
grew up in a small town on the south shore of Long Island. Her father was
raised on a farm and was a master craftsman –  building and repairing all
sorts of boats. Visits to that farm and helping her father at the shop
throughout childhood imprinted an appreciation for working the land… and
the sea. An appreciation of a life of hard work and long hours still resides
within. There’s an allure that cannot be denied and compels Jamie to capture
the rural landscape while it still exists.Over the years the backroad and byways have been the route of choice. A
cross-country trip some years back included a rule: No interstate until
after dark. This rule provided abundant opportunities to see and photograph
remnants of the past, including old barns, gas tanks, country stores and so
much more. In the Carolinas the disappearing tobacco barns and family farms
have become a “must-shoot” subject.  In this program Jamie will share images
of the rural landscape captured primarily in the Southeast in infrared and
color and will share stories of these places and her passion for preserving
a part of the cultural history.

Bio Info:

Jamie Konarski Davidson is an award-winning freelance outdoor & nature
photographer with a passion for capturing and sharing the intimate moments
and beauty of the natural world on its own and as it blends with the “rest
of the world.” Her images range from macro and abstracts to intimate, grand
and rural landscapes. She connects with all things “old” and finds a special
beauty in decay and fading cultural lifestyles that resonate a life of hard
work. Through her company, New Life Photos, Jamie leads photo workshops
throughout the Southeast. Her goals are to encourage and inspire and help
people grow in their photography skills, connect with their subjects and see
beyond the obvious so that they can discover their own visual voice. Visit to learn more.

Jamie is an active member of NANPA (National Association of Nature
Photography Association), serving as a Board member and the 2013 Summit
Chair, and CNPA (Carolinas Nature Photographers Association. She teaches
classes at ASAP Photo & Camera in Greenville, NC, and presents programs for
camera clubs and organizations throughout the Southeast.

Hope to see you all there!
Carol Tharp
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